Blue Payroll Data Import App

User Manual

General Information

Blue Payroll Data Import is a Norwegian app which helps you to convert G/L accounts into bank accounts, map payroll dimensions into global dimensions and create a common payroll description during the payroll transaction import.

Blue Payroll Data Import expands the Norwegian Payroll Data Import Definition (NO) app from Microsoft which imports payroll transactions from a file.

How to install the app

On cloud

If you are currently using Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central on cloud you can find and install Blue Payroll Data Import from App Source Marketplace.

In Business Central search tool, type “Extension Marketplace”. This will open the marketplace from Microsoft App Source. You can find Blue Payroll Data Import app there and install it to your Business Central tenant. Please contact us through the Buy a License request form and we will provide you a license key.


If you are using Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central on-premises, then you will receive an App file. This file must be published by your Microsoft Dynamics 365 partner into your Dynamics 365 Business Central server instance.

Blue Software team is available to assist you in case you need help during the installation of this app.


If you are using an account without SUPER permission set, you need to add the Blue Payroll Data Import permission set to your account. This can be done from the user list. Make sure all users who are going to use the app has the right permission set.

Assisted Setup – Set up Payroll Data Import

After the app is installed, you can use the Assisted Setup for Blue Payroll Data Import:

This is the easiest way to set up Blue Payroll Data Import. Alternatively, you can set up all information from General Ledger Setup which is described in the next chapter.

The manual is also available on Norwegian.

General Ledger Setup

Search for General Ledger Setup where you can define additional parameters for Payroll Transaction Import, follow the Tool Tips for more information and recommendations:

We recommend using an own journal for payroll import, you can do this by specifying:

  • Payroll Journal Template Name – general journal template that payroll transactions are imported to
  • Payroll Journal Name – general journal batch that payroll transactions are imported to

If you want the payroll import to use the Bank account instead the G/L account, mark:

  • Use Bank Accounts

This conversion will only happen if the G/L account is assigned to a Bank Account. If you aren’t sure that you are using Bank Accounts, you can search after Bank Accounts. Look at Bank Acc. Posting Group on your bank account where you will find the assigned G/L Account:

If your payroll file for instance contains the G/L Account 3700 and you use Use Bank Accounts, the G/Account will be automatically converted into the bank account VB-DRIFT on your general journal line.

If you want a common description for your payroll import which will be copied to the general journal lines, please, define:

  • Payroll Description

You can use variables to build your own payroll description which is based on the Posting Date which is imported form the payroll file:

  • Day – %1
  • Week – %2
  • Month – %3
  • Month name – %4
  • Year – %5

For instance, if your payroll file contains a date as 18.05.2022, Payroll %1 %4 %5 will be translated into Payroll 18. Mai 2022.

Payroll Dimension

Business Central handle the two first dimensions in the payroll import which can be copied to the journal line as global dimension codes. This will work fine if your Payroll dimensions from your payroll system are equal to your global dimensions in Business Central.

If this is not the case, you can map the payroll dimensions to your global dimension codes by using Payroll dimension as shown in the example below:

How to use

Import payroll file

You import your payroll file as usual, from General journal by using action Import Payroll File:

Be aware to use the journal template and journal batch you have defined on General Ledger Setup, otherwise an error message will appear.

How to buy a license

Please contact us if you are interested in a detailed price information.

You can request a new license from the Blue Base Setup using Buy a license before your free trial license expires.

This will open a request form you have to fill inn and send to us.

You will receive a valid license key within 3 workdays.

Important: You need an own license key for each company that will use this app.

How to register your new license

Search after Blue Base Setup.

Place the new license key you received from us in the license key field for Blue Payroll Data Import app.

Check your license

Search after Blue Base Setup to check if you have a valid license under Actions -> Check License.

More information about Blue Software Apps

You can find more information about Blue Software Apps in or from the links in the Blue Base Setup page under Related -> Read more.


If you have an installation “On-premises” your Microsoft Dynamics 365 Partner must unpublish the current version and publish the new version for you. The customers using the cloud version will be upgraded automatically when a new version is released.


It is possible to uninstall and unpublish the app at any moment. You can perform these actions from the Extension Management page.

If you decide to install the app again later, all settings and configurations will be restored as they were previously. If you decide to remove the extension data under uninstallation, all data related to this app will be removed and it cannot be recovered later.