Continia har oppdatert sin “Data Processing Agreement” med en ny underleverandør (Klippa App B.V.). Denne ny underleverandør av OCR tjenester brukes i Continia Expense Management appen. Alle kunder som bruker Continia med OCR gjenkjenning må lese de nye vilkårene og trykk godta.
Continia is updating its Data Processing Agreement with the launch of OCR for Expense Management.
We’ve added Klippa App B.V. to the list of subprocessors used in Continia’s suite of solutions. Customers who’ve already consented to Continia’s Data Processing Agreement through their Continia Core module will have to reiterate their consent.
What the customer needs to do:
The customer will be prompted in NAV/BC about this automatically; all they need to do is read the terms and, if agreed, hit accept. If they ignore or click away the notification, they can always go to “Continia Solution Management” in NAV/BC to accept after the fact.
If completely ignored, it will deactivate Continia after 3 weeks, in which case they can reactivate through Continia Solution Management again by accepting the terms. Any missed transactions will process immediately after.